Wishes for February 23rd. Congratulation of the men of the enterprise on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Husband Dad Brother Son Uncle Father-in-law Colleagues Chief Happy Defender's Day

Congratulations on February 23,
Always be ready to serve the Fatherland,
To the borders from the Kremlin itself
There are no relatives of the earth that is worth living.

Just let the thunder of battles subside
Guns, machine guns will rust,
So as not to see off the sons forever
To war and not dress up as soldiers.

Let only the clouds fall a shadow
On the fields that are eared with bread,
May you be happy every day
Under the native boundless clear sky!

Your character is made of strong steel,
And nerves too - not from crystal!
And medals flaunt on the chest -
Your holiday is February 23!

Strong, brutal, full of magnetism,
In love with his country, his land,
Today, on the wave of patriotism,
I congratulate you, protector!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear men! I wish you always stay in excellent physical shape and have good health. May your courage and willpower be unbending. I wish you blue skies, bright sun and fair winds! Behind your broad shoulders is our Motherland, which always needs you!

I heartily congratulate you
Since February 23!
Your life is a big ship
Stay firm at the helm.

Guide the brigantine
To the islands of great happiness,
Go through the channels
Ardent feelings, hot passion.

I wish you charter
In bays of money and success
Fill your sail white
A wind of humor and laughter.

On February Men's Day, I congratulate you,
I wish you peace, health and good luck,
May great success await you every day and hour,
Let the tasks be solved easily and correctly.

And cheerfulness, optimism and a true friend
Let them help you achieve your cherished goal,
And let the joy of the lights sparkle around,
All that you have long wanted to come true!

Since February 23, happy day of the best guardians of the Fatherland! We praise you for your heroism and thank you for every sunny and calm day. May your heroic strength, age-old courage and indestructible courage not wane. Let your worthy qualities attract the most devoted, beautiful and kind people to life.

In February, we are looking forward to everything
Your holiday, defenders-heroes,
We express our admiration
And we wish winter time

So that spring blooms and sings in the soul,
In the peaceful sky the sun shone for you,
You succeeded in every business
And mutual love burned.

May health, strength, inspiration
Help you achieve your goals
Always be in a great mood
Win, dream and smile!

Congratulations men
Happy Defender's Day!
Be happy, healthy
Energetic and strong!

Let what you think
Always performed
Let luck not fail
The years will be long!

And I wish you rain
Let it be golden
So that any pocket of clothing
Wasn't empty!

On a wonderful winter holiday of true courage and unique courage, I wish you happy stability and unchanging prosperity, good health and inspiring optimism, good mood and amazing perseverance in achieving your goals! Since February 23!

Congratulations on the 23rd day of February and harsh,
And we wish you to be strong, brave, vigorous and healthy,
Be an optimist in life, enjoy every moment,
In the sea of ​​joy boundless with your head you swim.

Let the plans be successful and things go well,
At work, rewards are waiting, and let it be lucky in personal life,
May hopes come true, Fortune leads by the hand,
Surprises await you ahead, and let your soul be young!

Alina Ogonyok

This holiday is for men.
Wish you need
For no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On the big planet
The birds sang in the morning
And the kids laughed!

Peace, wisdom, kindness
I wish you,
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
I congratulate you!

Be dexterous, be strong and brave,
In business - agile and skillful,
May the path of life be bright
Be happy and healthy!

Today is your men's holiday,
All women congratulate you.
Health, happiness and kindness
They wish you with all their heart.

May strength, courage and honor
And in a peaceful life will come in handy!
Let them respect, love you
And they are truly proud of you!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you strength and wisdom,
Will, endurance, patience,
Overcome all difficulties.

The sky is peaceful and clear,
If tears - then only joyful,
If the path is not thorny,
And the memories are sweet.

Friendship strong, long, devoted,
All desires of fulfillment,
To be proud of your victories
And they did not know defeat.

On the great Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you will, strength and patience,
Goodness, courage, a secure life,
Good luck and endless luck!

Build your destiny brick by brick
Reach unimaginable heights in your career,
In all victories, great personal happiness,
And so that you are clearly sure of tomorrow!

Defender of the fatherland - every man,
And this is a really big day.
Let everything be in life: health and strength,
And the shadow will completely disappear from weaknesses.

Let there be love - pure, bright, mutual,
To also want to work miracles,
May life be bright and very happy,
And may Heaven save you from adversity.

I wish you on Defender of the Fatherland Day
Confidence, strength and patience,
And great courage, eternal,
So that failure does not happen in life.

I wish you happiness, unbending friendship,
For the whole country of heroism to be an example,
Be brave, successful, respected
And be the first in all matters in life!

Congratulations on the holiday of men
February this day!
And let the kind words of the heart
Filled with warmth.

Let everything be in life
Happy and simple.
And everyone will be alive and well
And cheerful, and love.

Let the labor of men be peaceful,
Prosperity goes to the house
And you will be respected
And pride, and honor!

Defender of the Fatherland Day
Everything celebrates humanity,
You accept congratulations
Make a wish soon.

May your dream come true
Beauty in the soul and in the house,
More money for different needs,
Let quarrels, sorrows be alien to you.

Courage, strength, enemies to spite everyone,
So that you are always lucky
Laughter, love and, of course, warmth,
May good luck keep you!

To all defenders of the Fatherland
Brave, strong, fighting
We wish you happiness in life
Fight back any enemies!

Don't give up and don't give up
Go ahead to the goals
Achieve your plans
Only luck to know on the way!

Be a role model
Let them equal you
And may all your desires
Performed at once!

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of courage, nobility and honor! With all my heart I wish you creative success, happiness, prosperity and all the best! May the difficulties encountered on your way be always easily overcome. Good health, warmth and festive mood!

Congratulations on February 23 beautiful

I sincerely congratulate you on February 23rd. I wish, first of all, to be courageous even in the most difficult situation. After all, for a man it is simply necessary. I want to be loved, because it is very important. I want to be invincible and strong. In general, I just want to say, be yourself and be happy!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues in prose

Our dear men! Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in ordinary, everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take it upon themselves to solve problems, allowing us to remain women!
May your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and may your heart be warmed by the attention, love and care of relatives and friends!

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23

February 23 is a holiday of courage, strength and optimism. This holiday unites millions of people of our vast Motherland. We congratulate all the men of our team on this wonderful date and sincerely believe that at any moment we can lean on your strong shoulders. Dear men, be healthy, happy and loved! Happy holiday!

Congratulations and wishes for February 23 official

Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your loved ones and relatives, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners beautiful

February 23 - important holiday for every citizen of our country. On this day, we not only honor our military and remember the feats of arms of our compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men who have courage and selflessness, who love the Motherland and respect its history. That is why this day is truly a national holiday. We wish you happiness, well-being, success in business for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners in prose

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! This holiday is one of the most revered in our country. After all, defending the Motherland, home and family is the honorable duty of every man. I wish you good health, inexhaustible vitality and a peaceful sky above your head!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I would like to wish you peace and prosperity, mutual understanding and respect in the team, love and warmth in the house! Let life be happy, good health, energy inexhaustible, and every day bright and joyful!

Corporate holidays congratulations on February 23

Dear colleagues! This holiday has a special meaning. It reminds each of us of civic duty and high male destiny. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace and harmony in society and on earth. It is important that our team works stably and confidently, because this is the key not only to our future, but also the future of our children! I wish you all good health, great happiness, creative work and good luck in all your endeavors!

Congratulations on February 23 to the partner-leader

February 23 - An important day for our entire country!. We proudly call this Day Defender of the Fatherland Day!
The day when we congratulate real men who will emerge from any, even the most difficult situation with their head held high as a winner! With all my heart I wish you only a peaceful sky and success in your service for the good of our Motherland! Happiness, health, good spirits, Have a good mood To you and your employees!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners original

I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This day represents courage, strength, honor and duty!
With all my heart I wish you good health, success and prosperity. May trust and peace reign in your home, and stability in your work!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to be a reliable support and protection of both your Motherland and your family until old age!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners from the authorities in prose

With great pleasure I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! This holiday personifies for many generations of Russians the strength and power of the Russian state, love and devotion to their Motherland, the ability to care for and protect their family!
I sincerely wish you family well-being, success in all your affairs and undertakings, the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of the tasks set. And may every day bring you only joy and many interesting meetings and events!

Congratulations on February 23 military

It is with great joy that I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day. Probably many today will tell you that this is your professional holiday. But service to the Fatherland is more than a profession. This is great love, willpower and patriotism. From the bottom of my heart I wish you perseverance, courage, success, material well-being, love, peace and kindness!

Congratulations and wishes for February 23 official from the chef

The most valuable thing in our life is peace, tranquility and stability, and therefore it is no coincidence that Defender of the Fatherland Day has a rich and glorious history. Whatever the name of this holiday, it has always been a symbol of courage, selflessness, dignity and honor. Please accept my sincere wishes for health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues, partners

At all times, the heroism and courage of warriors, the power and glory of weapons have been the pride and greatness of the Russian state.
We are faithful to the traditions of widely and nationwide celebrating the Defender of the Fatherland Day and celebrating it with special solemnity and warmth.
From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you and your loved ones good health, happiness and prosperity! Let your life be illuminated by the glory of the victory of the Russian army, love and devotion to your Fatherland!

Congratulations and wishes for February 23 to a colleague

At any time, the defense of the Motherland was
Every man's duty!
I wish you peace, light and kindness
And always be invincible!

Congratulations on February 23 official

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday of real men who are ready to stand up for their Motherland in battle, and in peaceful life every day they protect their family and their favorite business from all adversities. I wish you family well-being, health, joy, sunny days filled with peaceful work and peace of mind!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues

We congratulate our dear and beloved colleagues, our men on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We sincerely wish you health, family well-being, so that love, hope and faith in the best never leave you. Our dear men! Who would call us by tender names, our names and take care of us, when not for you? It's good, men, that you exist!!!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

A man is a warrior, earner, protector, leader. And today, February 23, we celebrate the Day of courage, strength, perseverance, victory! May God give you strength and confidence, and you give us kindness, tenderness and affection, dear men! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 to the teacher

Please accept congratulations on this courageous holiday, on the holiday of strength, truth, justice, small defeats and big victories! We wish you to fight for truth and knowledge, and always prevail over illiteracy and ignorance! Since February 23!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners prose

Allow me to congratulate you on the holiday of courage and patriotism, the holiday of history and kindness - Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is not only for men, it is a holiday for everyone who loves and defends their homeland. This is a Russian holiday. May your home be filled with light and love, the coming news be kind and joyful, and work bring satisfaction!

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23 in verse

Dear men, your holiday has come. On this day, I want to wish you courage in matters of happiness and success in personal life. May all your grandiose plans become a reality, good luck in all your endeavors.

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues prose

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a symbol of courage and patriotism. This is the day when we congratulate our men - active, strong, responsible. Men who protect their families from difficulties and hardships are responsible for the present and do everything possible to make the future happy. We wish health, happiness and prosperity to you and your families!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This holiday has a special meaning. It reminds of civic duty and high male destiny. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace and harmony in society and on earth. We wish you good health, happiness, prosperity and all the brightest and most beautiful!

Congratulations and wishes for February 23 official from the authorities

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! With all my heart I wish you creative success, fulfillment of all your plans, stability and prosperity. The main thing is that explosions do not thunder, our mothers do not cry, and our children live in a rich and prosperous country and feel pride in their Motherland!
Peaceful sky and prosperity!

Congratulations and wishes for February 23 official from colleagues

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you good luck and victories in business, and in your home - peace and prosperity. And we also wish you optimism and vivacity to always go only forward - to new projects and new achievements!

Congratulations at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear men! Please accept my sincere congratulations on a wonderful holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day! Peace, goodness, happiness to you, love and health!
There's a beautiful day in February
When we congratulate men!
There is no "Man's Day" on earth,
But we are correcting the mistake!
Today you have my love
We carry handfuls!
Men, life without you is empty,
There are sad examples of this.
For you all our beauty,
We do not lose faith in love.
Lipstick for you
We perm our hair,
And in high heels
We hurry to those whom we love so much!

Congratulations on February 23 to partners from the chef in prose

February 23 is an important holiday for every citizen of Russia. On this day, we not only honor our military and remember the feats of arms of our compatriots. Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday of real men who have courage and selflessness, who love the Motherland and respect its history. That is why this day is truly a national holiday. We wish you happiness, well-being, success in business for the benefit of the Fatherland!

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23

Dear Colleagues! Please accept my most sincere congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! In that Public Holiday we pay tribute and gratitude to all the soldiers of our Russian army! I wish you good health, happiness, achievement of your goals, wishes of success in professional and social activities, good mood, inexhaustible energy and love!

Congratulations to male colleagues on February 23

Our dear men, our defenders, our support and support. How boring our team would be without men so strong, reliable and gallant. We sincerely congratulate you on the most men's holiday- Defender of the Fatherland Day. It could be said that it's just Happy Defender's Day. Not only the Fatherland - but also families, children, friends and even the team. We are glad that we have men like you. All the best to you, love, health. Always remain noble knights, good mentors and faithful defenders. Happy holiday, dear men!

Husband's congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day are beautiful in prose

My dear and dear, the closest and only! Congratulating you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is your holiday, a holiday of courage and fidelity to duty, to your homeland. I am proud that my husband is the strongest, kindest and most self-confident person! The person you can always count on in difficult times, my dear and beloved husband! I am happy that your reliable and strong shoulder is always there! Happy holiday to you, my beloved warrior!

Funny congratulations on February 23

Dear defenders of the Fatherland, our glorious men! We wish you a peaceful sky and a big salary, affectionate silent wives and independently growing children - rosy-cheeked excellent students!
Let nothing ever distract you from important men's affairs: fishing, garage, friendly bachelor parties with strippers. And to all the intrigues of external aggressors who dare to encroach on these holy things, give a powerful and decisive rebuff!
Happy holiday, dear ones, enjoy life, and we, women, will make sure that you live comfortably and joyfully!

Official congratulations on February 23

Lord! Let me congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you never had to take up arms. So that your exploits are only labor, and the enemies do not dare to encroach on the peaceful sleep of your wives, children and mothers. Since February 23 you, men!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day

I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! On February 23, Russians celebrate one of the most wonderful holidays - Defender of the Fatherland Day! This day unites millions of people with a tribute to the historical memory of the soldiers who defended the freedom and independence of our state! Each a real man must be ready to defend their homeland, their loved ones and relatives! I wish you good health, peace, kindness and great family happiness!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Today is the day of strong, courageous people, in whose life there is a place not only for exploits and heroic deeds, but also for love, care and understanding. We take your strength and patience for granted, we know that no matter what happens, you will always be there and lend a shoulder. In the bustle of everyday life, sometimes you don’t notice that next to you is a person who will always protect, and for him this is not only a duty, but also a command of the heart. Today we thank you for our peace of mind! May there always be a strong rear in your life: love and understanding of loved ones, well-being and good health!

Congratulations to your beloved on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Your Fatherland is always around you
The whole world seems to be next door.
And a lucky star falls
The kid laughs at his own childhood
Moscow snowstorms, cold,
Green forest where streams roll...
And the house where they are always waiting for you,
And two windows that glow at night.
Corals underwater hundreds of leagues...
Daisies of unusual beauty...
And I, probably, your Fatherland,
And my protector, I guess, is you.

Congratulations to the boys on February 23

Dear boys! Congratulations on the most courageous holiday of the year! It is on this day that we often remember such words as courage, courage, duty, honor and courage. We want these words to sound next to you always. So that you become the personification of these words. We want you to be the pride of our school.

Congratulations to an adult son on February 23

Our dear son. You have grown and matured. You have become a real person, honest, noble and courageous. On this wonderful holiday, February 23, I (We) look at you and understand that we have a man who can protect a woman and the Motherland. I would like to wish you happiness, a bright peaceful horizon and a winding interesting life road, on which great joys, small sorrows and trials await you, which you will undoubtedly overcome!

Congratulations on February 23 to grandfather

Dear grandfather! I am always proud of you: your wisdom, strength, courage! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you a peaceful sky over your head, good health, joy, longevity and good mood!

Congratulations to men on February 23

A man is a friend, a father and a warrior,
The hope of the native nation.
He protected the country from wars,
Raised children in a large family.
In men, we do not have tea for the soul,
And let the whole earth know
What are we celebrating today?
February 23!

Congratulations to the son on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Son, grow big and bold,
Be wise, strong and skillful,
Protector of family, friends, me.
I congratulate you on February 23,
Like dad. You are almost a man.
And you will conquer the peaks of science,
My son, always be happy
May you have an easy path in life.

Congratulations for men on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all men
half of humanity
This "rank" is sent from above.
For those who endured the battle
With that brown plague
sincere admiration
And a bow from us to the earth.
For us to live in peace
Our warriors don't sleep
Let the service be carried out with dignity,
But without wars - in a peaceful way.
Well, if there is a reason -
You are not a warrior, not a fighter,
Remember firmly: you are a man,
You are the strong sex, finally!
Be for women you are a support,?
Confirm your glorious "rank",
Defender of the Fatherland Day?
It's the same Men's Day!

Congratulations on February 23 prose

On this festive day, the Day of the Army and Navy, even if the service is sometimes difficult and dangerous, but you overcome all the difficulties of army life with dignity. I want to wish everyone to live long, love hard and be the happiest. May a lucky star always shine on you.

Congratulation of the men of the enterprise on the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Dear warrior! Knight! The male!
From the bottom of our hearts, we sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
We admire the strength, courage and resilience with which you go through life. You are joy and happiness, hope and tenderness, light and warmth for a loving heart.
We are grateful to you that in crucial moments you take the heaviest burden on your courageous shoulders; that, thanks to your work, our plant is being revived. We are proud of you, we believe in you, Knight, Defender, valiant Warrior - Man!

Congratulations to Vitaly on February 23

Vitaly, I congratulate you
Happy Men's Day, February 23!
I wish that sorrow
You weren't upset
May you always be lucky
Lifts your spirits
Let faithful friends surround
And let the enemies do not annoy!

Congratulations to Artemy on February 23

Artemy, since February 23
Accept our congratulations
Let your life be
Beautiful and full of love!
We wish that there were no enemies,
Only surrounded by friends did you live,
Let there be no chains and fetters
You don't deserve them at all!
We wish that the house was comfortable,
And in the heart of sweet peace,
So that you give shelter to the wanderer,
Kohl meet on the road like this!

Congratulations on February 23 to the military in verse from a friend

I sincerely wish
Only a peaceful sky
job success,
And to protect the Motherland, if necessary!
Happiness, health, good spirits,
Good luck in love and great success!

Congratulations on February 23 cool

February 23
I will guess you -
Kind, Reliable, Beloved,
And February slush
I will blow wishes to you!
Be a man! Don't know what despondency is!
Let everyone train the muscle of the heart with difficulties!
I will guess you -
Faithful, Successful, Cheerful!
Smile on Men's Day
Proudly straighten your strong shoulders!
Be a man! I give installation on a new one -
Not a suit, but an open look from the soul!
I will guess you -

Congratulations on February 23 in poetry, prose and sms. Cool, funny, comic congratulations men on February 23. We are proud collection of congratulations on February 23 on our website. We managed to collect only the most best congratulations men for this holiday. On this day nice words everyone will hear: from the boys in the nursery to the veterans of the Second World War, because they are all our beloved defenders of the fatherland. Congratulations on February 23- this is not only a wish for health and well-being, it is a reminder of the purpose of a man and his mission. What should be a real man? Oh, so many requirements:

  • strong and gentle;
  • honest and delicate;
  • serious and romantic;
  • strict and kind.
You can list endlessly, let's just say one thing, it is these men that surround us, and not only on this day! Congratulations on February 23 it is worth preparing as much as possible: for the family (father, husband, son, grandfather), for colleagues at work, for friends and acquaintances. the main task congratulations to men on February 23 is to make them feel like real knights, defenders of their country and their family. However, this does not exclude the fact that congratulations on this holiday can be funny or comic, because we all know that our men have the best sense of humor!

Congratulations on February 23 - everything to make the holiday for your men memorable and give the most pleasant impressions!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day - Congratulations on February 23: in verse, in prose, postcards, video

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

For courage, for valor and courage
We say thank you today.
Congratulations to the protectors of your loved ones
And here's what we want now:

Big love, success, peace, happiness,
Luck, good luck in all matters,
Prosperity and roads simple and smooth,
Only loyal friends and all the benefits.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
I congratulate you, men!
On this courageous holiday,
I only wish you the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave at heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!

A real man
It's very easy to distinguish:
The kindest, smartest, strongest,
Can please, love.

So that you stay like this
I wish on your holiday -
Succeeded everywhere, laughed,
If necessary, above yourself.

And patience, health
Let it not let you down
So forward, to new victories -
Since February 23!

This holiday is for men.
Wish you need
For no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On the big planet
The birds sang in the morning
And the kids laughed!

Twenty third of February
It became a weekend not in vain -
Celebrating for no reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
Enough for a whole century
So that along the road of life
Success would follow with you.

So that army skills
Can't wait for implementation
And in our big country
There was always peace and tranquility.

On this day we wish all men
Smiles, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, warmth.
We wish our defenders strength
And an endless bowl of goodness.

Let all hardships become trifles,
And on this day, everyone is proud of you.
Let your family be by your side
Support from melancholy and all sorts of troubles.

We wish bright blessings to our heroes,
You are the best bright example of courage!
Health to you, success and fearlessness,
Victory in any of all possible areas.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, bright, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, great,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, it succeeds,
Only joy in life happened,
Laughter, fun without end
On the twenty-third day of February!

We want to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Do not hear the thunder on the horizon.

May February 23
Brings you our respect
May the earth be peaceful
And there are no battles on it!

Congratulations men
We are hot today.
We always need
Your strong shoulder!

Defender of the Fatherland Day
On a calendar sheet
So congratulations
Since February 23!

We wish you health
Faithful, devoted love,
So that from troubles and shocks
You could protect us!

May courage never leave you
Only years bring experience.
The soul knows no grief
Health is always good.

And every day with hot rays
Let the dawn begin.
We congratulate you today
Again on the 23rd of February.

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and on this wonderful holiday of courage, I want to wish you to remain a fair and respected person in any life situation, to show yourself as a brave and courageous man in any battle, to see your perspective and indispensable success in any business, to find your happiness in any day and pleasure.

I heartily congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day, on the holiday of strong strength and brave courage. I wish you strong nerves and steely health, true endurance and unchanging justice of life. Let the character show courage in any battle and gentleness towards loved ones, let the soul be filled with the light of courage, and the heart with wisdom and love.

Our dear men, I congratulate you on February 23! I wish you strength, health, good luck, well-being, happiness. May peace, peace and love always reign in your families. May you never have to defend your hearth with weapons in your hands. Good, sun and joy to you!

I heartily congratulate you on the day of February 23 on the holiday of courage and courage - the Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always be in a fighting spirit, with excellent mood and good health. Let it always be possible to remain a reliable and faithful defender of the Motherland, family, loved ones and dear people!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from pure heart I want to wish you to remain calm and confident in any life situation, to do beautiful and kind deeds, to protect and love your loved ones deeply, to take care of the future and achieve great heights of success.

Congratulations on February 23 - postcards, pictures

Husband Dad Brother Son Uncle Father-in-law Colleagues Chief Happy Defender's Day

Your spirit is strong and your body is muscular
For a righteous cause, you are eager to fight ...
So let along the rocky path of life
Good luck is following you

Patched armor does not pull the shoulders,
And there will be a strong hand to gray hair,
I wish with the fervor of winged youth
Grab the bull by the horns

And multiply a series of brilliant victories,
Stacking rewards.
Come on, real man!
Be happy! Since February 23!

On the February day of men, we congratulate
Worthy defenders of the Fatherland,
We appreciate, love and respect you,
We wish you a flourishing, peaceful life.

We wish you health and success,
Harmony of soul and order,
And joy, and celebration, and laughter,
Career, prosperity, prosperity.

We wish you faithful and faithful friendship,
Proven by deeds and years,
We wish you sincere, immeasurable love,
Good luck to always walk with you.

We wish you confidence and courage
Go to dreams, bypassing all obstacles,
May every business be successful
And let the worthy rewards await you!

Congratulations on the Defender of the Fatherland Day! I want to be the commander in chief of my life. Go on the offensive on the fronts of big undertakings, attack new ideas, give only good orders, build all the troubles at attention and send them to the guardhouse. And most importantly, always follow the charter of love and happiness.

On the day of the defender of the Fatherland
I wish you strength in the body,
For the family to be a support
And lucky in what you love.

For good health
And my eyes were always sparkling
So that all your desires
You easily exercised.

All those who swore an oath to our Fatherland,
Who is always ready to protect her,
Who has honor, strength and courage,
Who is the knight of deeds, not idle words,

We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday!
May the star of good luck shine brightly on you!
We believe in your power endlessly,
And that we will always have peace!

Happy holiday, our dear guardians of the world! Let the greatest reward for you be the calmness of mothers, wives, sisters, and most importantly, a guaranteed happy future for your heirs. I wish that your cause is always right, the victory is honest, and the glory is endless.

Without exaggeration - a hero
You, protector, can be called
After all, you are with a patriotic attitude
I am ready to give my all to the country!

You are brave and fearlessly brave,
I am proud and admire you
Such a man is important for the fatherland,
With this, it is not scary to go into battle.

And the motherland is not a bit worried,
The endless fields sleep peacefully,
After all, you are near, fearless and reliable,
Defender, on the twenty-third of February!

I wish, protector, boundless happiness,
Pleasant moments and more, and more often,
Radiant sun in a cloudless sky,
To wake up the bird's hubbub and twitter in the morning.

So that the heart and soul are filled with joy,
Fate and luck to smile at you
To live in the world, to have good health,
May you be inspired by love!

I wish that everything in your life always develops exactly the way you want! Be strong and strong in body and soul, healthy and full of vitality! I wish you many successful days, only loyal friends and comrades, as well as love pure as dew, so that true happiness always fills your heart!

I wish you on the day of the defender
Love openly, passionately,
Ready to be loved by the lady
Substitute the shoulder in time.

I want to make friends disinterestedly,
Get support in return
Work honestly, with inspiration
And never be discouraged.

I wish that in a strong union
There was a dollar with your wallet.
Live bright, interesting
With taste, drive, spark!

Alina Ogonyok