What to wear during pregnancy during summer. Clothes for pregnant women and expectant mothers

Expecting a baby is a special time. Despite all the changes in the body, it is important for women to look beautiful. Fortunately, modern maternity fashion allows you to show your style. We will analyze what to wear during the spring-summer and autumn-winter seasons.

The main requirement for things for expectant mothers, in addition to an attractive look, is convenience. Clothing should be made from natural fabrics, in no case should you press. In the cold season, it will warm and hide the tummy of a coat for pregnant women.

Summer calls for lighter outfits.

For women in position, it is important to decide what they are striving for - to emphasize or hide the stomach. With this in mind, the style is chosen. Although, you should not limit yourself in choosing kits.


Jeans are a favorite for many people. Expecting a child is not a reason to refuse them, as the photos show. Fashion for pregnant women offers options with a special knitted insert. do not lose relevance. But due to the characteristics of the body at this time, they may not be very convenient. Then it is better to pay attention to options with legs of medium width or even flares.

bright accessories, deep neckline help to divert attention from the tummy.

Jackets and jackets

For working expectant mothers, do not forget that a basic denim jacket will add ease in your free time.


If the question arises of how to dress for pregnant women, then you can choose a cute and at the same time feminine option -. This is wonderful to see in the photo. It can be denim or other fabrics. Summer lets you wear trendy short options, at other times shorts are replaced by long trousers. Delicate blouses will add romance to the image. Overalls look good with a tight top.

Clothing for summer and winter

Summer is a hot time. A coat for pregnant women is not relevant at this time, it's time to pick up a jumpsuit, and for relaxing on the beach - a swimsuit. Especially popular are tankini models that allow you to hide your stomach from the harmful effects of sunlight. The tankini swimsuit is separate, the upper part of it is made in the form of a T-shirt or top. Beautifully look floral prints, animalistic, various stripes. You can choose a tankini swimsuit if you look at the photo.

Fashion for pregnant women autumn-winter will help you look stylish in the cold season. For example, a sweater is suitable for this.
A long loose sweater looks good with or with wide-leg jeans, especially when rolled up. But there are translucent options that are suitable for the summer.

Outerwear is indispensable. Coats for pregnant women emphasize femininity and visually give harmony, and a free style will allow you to wear them after childbirth.

Many models in the future will look good with a belt.

Prints, decor, shoes

Maternity sets are varied, and it will not be difficult for any of the women to find their own style, focusing on the photo. It can be casual everyday clothes, such as overalls, and sophisticated evening wear. Special attention should be paid to drawings and decor on things.

Sophisticated decor in the form of flounces, soft folds, ruffles makes it possible for women to look especially attractive. Beautiful drapery is able to hide voluminous forms, which is important for full fashionistas. Even a maternity coat or a tankini swimsuit can be decorated in this way, but more often such solutions are used for evening ensembles.

Shoes complete any look. Although in the photo of a celebrity almost always in heels, in everyday life it is often uncomfortable. Therefore, ballet shoes, sandals for the summer are the most practical and fashion options. In autumn and winter, you can wear, for example, low-cut boots.

The style of beauties in position depends on their preferences. For some, comfort is important first of all, other girls try to emphasize their forms. Whether it's a playful denim jumpsuit for everyday wear or a tankini swimsuit for the beach, wear trendy summer or winter wear for any occasion.

Are you waiting for your baby and have already noticed rounded shapes, and familiar clothes begin to hamper your movements? Your baby is growing and gaining strength, and it's a great time for you to prepare for the birth of your child. During this period, the expectant mother should experience only positive emotions, and therefore it is very important to create all the necessary favorable conditions for her. Changes in the figure are a great reason to update your wardrobe! Moreover, today there are a huge number of specialized stores for expectant mothers who are engaged in design and production. fashion clothes for pregnant.

From what month do you need maternity clothes?

When pregnant, many women ask this question. In this case, everything depends on the initial parameters of the figure. Some mothers are starting to stock up on maternity clothes as early as early dates, at the end of the first trimester, as the figure quickly begins to take on new outlines: intensive rounding of the tummy, an increase in the girth of the hips and chest. Other mothers update their wardrobe only in the last months of pregnancy, since changes in the figure are noticeable only from the middle of the second trimester. Despite all the individuality of the forms of each pregnant woman, the fashion industry for pregnant women offers a large selection of clothes, without limiting women in position in choosing an outfit, and gives not only comfort, but also style, given the changes in volumes over 9 months.

Why do you need maternity clothes?

Being in an “interesting” position, many pregnant women begin to wear loose-fitting and oversized clothes. But, some things, for example, clothes made of dense inelastic fabrics, will have to be left on the back shelves of your wardrobe, as they will hinder your movements due to the rapidly growing belly. Special clothes for pregnant women have a number of advantages. For example, such clothes fit better on your rounded shapes. Given all the changes in your body, it does not restrict your movements. These clothes are safe for both mom and baby.
With body changes during pregnancy, you can choose your clothes gradually, depending on how comfortable you feel in your usual clothes. Taking into account the advice of maternity fashion experts and the wishes of expectant mothers, we recommend the following maternity clothes:

    • Warm sweaters and pullovers for pregnant women, reliably protecting you and your baby from drafts
    • or for pregnant women depending on the season in which you are pregnant
    • Special trousers or jeans for pregnant women with a wide elastic insert for the tummy
    • for pregnant and lactating mothers

This is a set: of course, you can buy even more beautiful things for pregnant women.

Where can you buy maternity clothes?

The bonprix online store has a large collection of maternity clothes - here you will find everything you need for the most wonderful period of your life. In addition to everyday clothes for expectant mothers, we have also prepared a special collection, as well as a sports collection for active expectant mothers.

When making things for pregnant women from bonprix, the best materials of excellent quality are used: we understand how important it is for the expectant mother to wear clothes that are pleasant to the body, and also ensure the correct thermoregulation of the body. In addition, future mothers should look stylish, and therefore, when creating this collection of things, we take into account the most relevant ones. That is why bonprix maternity clothes are a combination of excellent quality, comfortable styles and stylish solutions for expectant mothers.

Pregnancy can be considered a serious challenge to your style. This wonderful state of waiting for a baby is often overshadowed by absolute confusion when it comes to clothes. Even the biggest fashionistas sometimes get lost, choosing outfits for their ever-changing body shape. At some point, there is a feeling that you are completely unfamiliar with this new body and have no idea how to dress it up.

But pregnancy is not a reason to abandon your own style and spit on fashion trends, giving in to the temptation to turn into a big round clumsy teddy bear in men's sweatpants and a huge jacket. There are many interesting ways to decorate your beautiful outlines with dignity and present them in the most favorable light.

Let's start with The most common style mistakes expectant mothers make. And then consider what types of figures pregnant women have, and how to dress them beautifully.

How not to dress pregnant women

Do not turn a tracksuit into your permanent outfit.

You don't have to wear oversized sweatpants, stretchy oversized sweaters, or, even worse, your husband's sports/lounge clothes everywhere. Comfort, of course, is important, especially in your case, but there are so many other comfortable clothes in the world that will not discredit your style! Your arsenal - jeans, leggings, joggers, dresses, many comfortable jerseys made of thick jersey and cashmere, etc.

Don't hide your belly

Undoubtedly, most women indulge in various tricks, including those described in this blog, to hide their tummy and thus appear slimmer. But just think: you are now a happy exception, because you do not need to hide your stomach, but be proud of it!
Another most common mistake many pregnant women make is trying to camouflage their outlines under huge shapeless hoodies. Also, they often buy larger clothes to tamp their belly into, but all other parts of the body remain hidden under visible volume. And we already know that such hoodie clothes add volume where there is none ().
So that the best choice there will be no attempt to balance your stomach relative to other parts of the body, increasing them in volume (so you will seem just big and fat woman, and not a stylish beauty expecting a baby), but an adequate frame for your body, including your stomach.
It is better to purchase or sew a special maternity dress that will fit you in size, beautifully framing your chest, arms, hips, but at the same time it will be loose at the waist. Or choose a dress in size, but in such a style that the stomach will fit perfectly into it.

In order not to drown in a voluminous dress and emphasize your silhouette, use a belt or belt, tying it under your chest or under your stomach (read more about this method below). Thus, you will only emphasize your harmony.

To all lovers of boho style: this style goes well with pregnancy. To keep your long dress from looking "hoodie", tie a belt around your hips.

Many women feel even more comfortable in thick knitwear, as it supports the stomach, than in loose "flutters". Feel free to adopt such jersey dresses, do not hide your belly, you are allowed to!
Note: the only thing I would not recommend is using such acidic accessories as in the first photo below. :)

You can also adapt existing things during pregnancy if they do not fit around the waist. For this purpose, fit, for example, loose shirts that can be worn as a loose skinny jeans or trousers, or tucked into low-rise jeans with a jacket as the top layer.

Pink Peonies, Style Lovely

Current layering won't make you bigger

...if used correctly. Choose tops with deep round or V-necks, as well as boat necklines, they will beautifully frame the face. Put on some top layer and leave it unbuttoned. So you draw out the silhouette. Actual narrow scarves also work well for this purpose.

You can experiment with more complex kits, but make sure that such kits do not increase your volume. .

Don't Forget About Proportions

Your silhouette will always look advantageous if you emphasize some kind of bottleneck.
If you decide to wear a flowy loose top, then pair it with skinny jeans or trousers so you don't look oversized.

If you have opted for a spacious flying dress, then emphasize your silhouette with a belt under the bust or on the hips.

If you are wearing a long tunic or shirt, then it makes sense to tie it under your stomach. Thus, you will demonstrate the harmony of the camp, and, as we have already seen above, you should not hide your stomach at all.
You can also tuck a top or shirt into low-rise jeans.

Don't be afraid of print

Pregnant women are especially afraid of the strip. In fact, not every horizontal strip is fat. Only a large strip expands (it is shown only to very fragile expectant mothers - see the first photo below), but smaller stripes that combine light and dark colors, on the contrary, they will be able to stretch the silhouette (second photo below).

As for shoes, there can be no unequivocal advice here, since this is very individual. Some women have very swollen feet, and they have to buy shoes one size larger. Also, it is difficult for some to walk in shoes with heels, even small ones, but for some this is not a problem at all. Proceed from your own comfort, wear what you are most comfortable in, but it is still recommended to give preference to low-speed shoes in everyday life. Among the models of such shoes there are many wonderful and stylish options.

Body types of pregnant women and how to dress them

You got better evenly

It happens that in this state a woman becomes much larger not only in the abdomen, but everywhere. Hips, legs and arms also increase in volume. Do not despair, during pregnancy you will be able to decorate elongated lines, as well as soft flowing fabrics. This advice is also suitable for those women who were quite corpulent even before pregnancy.

It can be a tight long knitted dress, it will lengthen and stretch the silhouette, emphasizing your wonderful tummy. Throw some layer on top: a jacket, cardigan or jacket.
By the way, do not be afraid of a narrow strip - on such long dress she will only make you thin.

Well camouflaged roundness in those areas that you would like to hide, and flowing tunics. It is better to wear them with tighter trousers, jeans or leggings. Such a tunic can itself be used as a top layer worn over a T-shirt, you can also put another top layer on it in the form of an elongated jacket or cardigan.

Style Lovely

Also in your case with tight jeans or trousers, an elongated loose top combined with a vest, for example, will work well.
And if you throw an even longer cardigan on top of it, then this will significantly stretch your silhouette.

Style Lovely, Mlovesm

Belly is low

In this case, the stomach protrudes right in the area of ​​​​the hips. Clothing that falls gently at the waist is best for your comfort. Styles with an accent under the belly will help structure the figure and present your wonderful forms in the most favorable light.

At the same time, you can boast of beautiful legs. After all, during pregnancy it is not forbidden to wear short dresses if the season and weather permit.

You will also feel comfortable in low-cut jeans or trousers. You should not constantly wear only spacious hoodie tops with them, you can afford to accentuate your stomach by tucking in the top (a T-shirt, for example), this way you will emphasize your silhouette. Throw a beautiful jacket on top and do not forget about accessories.

You can fill in jeans not only a T-shirt, but also a shirt or blouse, for example. By the way, a low-rise skirt is also suitable for this purpose.

Belly is quite high

In this case, on the contrary, it is better accentuate the area under the bust, above the abdomen.

Various maxi dresses will look great on you, but do not forget to tie a belt under the bust to structure the silhouette, and the dress did not look hoodie.

If this boho style is not your thing, then you can choose from many shorter models, knee-length or midi length, for example.

Various elongated tops and tunics that can be accentuated with a belt under the bust will also suit you.


If you are frail

... and remained the same reed, only one belly stands out proudly, then you are very lucky, because you have a huge scope for imagination.

You can experiment with layering by adding it to your leggings or skinny jeans ().

You can also wear a variety of tops and t-shirts, not only tucked in, but also loose. To make the look complete and stylish, add a jacket and interesting accessories to this top.

Style Lovely

Graphic prints (including the aforementioned stripe) and A-line dresses in the style of the 60s will suit you.

Well, loose flared dresses will not make you huge if they open slender Beautiful legs ().

As you can see, there is a lot of interesting images for pregnant women. Wear beautiful, but only comfortable clothes that make you happy and confident in any life situation. In fact, every pregnant woman is incredibly beautiful, she radiates a subtle shimmer, and this is not only due to hormones, but also to the feeling of happy expectation that a new, very beloved person has confidently settled inside. So, be happy and enjoy this amazing period of your life to the fullest!

Dear readers! In the following articles you will find step-by-step instruction, how to create a casual style wardrobe for young mothers, as well as for everyone who works at home and is not forced to go to the office, and many more interesting things. Leave your feedback, ask questions, write about what else you would like to read, and subscribe to the news.

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For pregnant women: what to look for

Pregnancy for a woman is a special state of body and soul. The expectant mother feels incredibly charming and attractive, and of course she wants to convey a particle of her joy to others, she wants not only to blossom in her soul, but also to look wonderful. And if in the early stages of pregnancy, women completely manage with their usual clothes, then for late dates it is better to take care of special clothing in advance. To an even greater extent, this is true for expectant mothers with a non-standard figure and magnificent forms. Many women in this case try to adapt their usual clothes to rounded shapes - as a rule, the expectant mother is not very pleased with the results. That is why even doctors recommend choosing special clothes for pregnant women. What are its advantages? Firstly, clothes for expectant mothers fit much better, because when creating it, not only a growing belly is taken into account, but also a changing figure in the back, hips and shoulders. Secondly, such clothes are safe for the health of mother and baby: they are comfortable and comfortable, they do not interfere with blood flow and help the skin "breathe". In addition, things for pregnant women are sewn from natural, environmentally friendly fabrics, which is also a weighty argument in favor of buying them.

Bonprix takes care of each of its customers, but we pay special attention to our expectant mothers. That is why we have created a collection of clothes for pregnant women especially for curvy pregnant women. large sizes.

Plus size maternity clothes from bonprix: style and comfort

What clothes to choose for expectant mothers when a growing tummy and growing breasts no longer fit into ordinary outfits? We have put together some valuable tips for choosing proper clothes. First of all, if you are the owner full figure, refuse baggy styles. The ideal option for you is things that emphasize the line of the chest and shoulders. We recommend choosing semi-adjacent A-line styles: they delicately frame the belly, emphasizing the beauty of the expectant mother's figure.

In order to visually reduce the volume, we advise you to choose plain clothes, complementing it with bright accessories: a bag, scarf or original necklace. Among the models of clothes for pregnant women of large sizes, you can easily pick up such things - after all, in our collection we tried to take into account all the nuances of the "interesting position". Tunics, dresses, pullovers, shirts, trousers and - with bonprix you can make a complete wardrobe of a pregnant woman, where there are things for any occasion.

Let the joy of waiting for your baby be even greater with bonprix fashionable plus size clothes for expectant mothers!

Many pregnant women mistakenly think that during this period you can forget about fashion trends, replacing the usual clothes with "baggy" ones. This is not true! A woman in any situation should remain beautiful and elegant, and the period of preparation for motherhood is another reason to show others that positive changes are taking place in life.

Fashion for pregnant women 2019-2020 is clothes that help to cope with the main task - to emphasize the beauty, tenderness and femininity of the expectant mother.

Bright and pastel colors, floral and geometric prints, extraordinary decorative finishes, different styles and styles - will help express the inner happiness and outer beauty of the fair half of humanity who find themselves in an interesting position. Restrictions in color palette no clothes either.

All the most relevant and extra-fashionable prints, ranging from abstraction to animalistic themes, will only emphasize the style and desire to look attractive and fashionable even in such an “interesting position”.

Bra- this is the most useful and necessary underwear for pregnant women. The fact is that from about the 9th week of pregnancy (and for some even earlier), the breast begins to change - grow, because of this it becomes very painful. Ordinary bras become small. In addition, their bones cause pain, squeezing the chest. A maternity bra will make you feel much more comfortable, and here's why:

  1. he is pitted - does not press anything,
  2. it has wide straps and perfectly holds the chest, which will save you from sprains and the formation of stretch marks,
  3. it is cotton - the chest breathes!

Moms with small breasts will be comfortable with bras-tops and bras-T-shirts like sports ones. But make sure that the chest in them feels free enough! Yes, a maternity bra is a very necessary underwear. However, some pregnant women do just fine without it.

Panties- an attribute of lingerie that is worn constantly. For a pregnant woman, they should also be made from natural fabrics, and the density of panties should vary depending on the time of year: in the cold season it is better to wear warm cotton panties, and in summer light ones.

What is the difference between maternity panties and regular panties? Those that have a soft elastic band that does not press on the stomach. The fact that they are either very high (stretched over the stomach) or very low. The fact that they are more expensive than ordinary underpants. Actually, this is where all the differences end.

Special panties for pregnant women can be replaced with low-cut cotton panties, which are not a problem to find now. Many women do this! Therefore, this type of underwear for pregnant women can be neglected.

Sleepwear. Women's pajamas, a nightgown or a set consisting of shorts and a T-shirt are suitable for pregnant women. Whatever you choose, you must remember that the material of the product must be natural. Sleepwear should not be cold or hot, it should not stick to the body. You also need to choose wide underwear for sleeping so that there is room for the tummy and for the growing chest.

Bandage used during pregnancy to reduce pain in the lumbar spine and hips. Gently supporting the abdomen, the bandage provides optimal conditions for the correct position of the fetus. Thanks to two removable stiffening plates, it effectively relieves tension in the lower back and supports the stomach during pregnancy.

Also, the bandage can be used after childbirth to restore the tone of the abdominal muscles. The breathable elastic material from which the bandage is made ensures comfort when used at any time of the year.

Outerwear for pregnant women 2019-2020 photo

The most necessary clothes in the cold season - outerwear. And for expectant mothers, it is not just necessary, but important. Autumn and winter offers jackets, raincoats, coats, coats and short fur coats of loose, even wide cut. These models will not only keep you warm in cool weather and reliably mask the tummy, but will also allow you to keep up with the latest fashion trends.

Fashionable dresses for pregnant women 2019-2020 photo options

A dress is perhaps the most comfortable type of clothing for pregnant women. The main requirements for it are compliance with the chosen season. So that the dress breathes along with the skin of a woman in a hot period. So that the chosen clothes warm when it is cold and windy outside. Of course, the fabrics from which the dresses are sewn play a big role in this. They should not contain chemical additives in their composition, or they should be as small as possible.

Narrowed dress models are not acceptable during such a period - squeezed chest or hips entail a number of unnecessary consequences for you and your child. A good option is a dress made of natural knitwear for a cool period. Slightly stretchy fabric allows you to move more confidently. Properly selected, it can serve you even after the birth of the baby for feeding. Dresses with gathers under the bust and on the back, having various fasteners, helping to increase the volume - all this to save money when purchasing clothes.

Do not purchase many outfits for a short period of time. A pair of such dresses for a period of time will help you save on more necessary things in the near future.

Fashionable tunics for pregnant women autumn-winter 2019-2020 photo news

A pregnant woman should always look attractive and beautiful. She should like herself, then her mood and well-being will be excellent. A tunic is a great solution. The main advantages are convenience and freedom. The tunic is a universal element of women's wardrobe, so it can be worn with different things.

All models of tunics for pregnant women are distinguished by the fact that they provide freedom of movement, and also do not squeeze the rounded tummy. For the cold season, you should choose a warm model. For such tunics, dense fabrics are used - cloth or wool. The winter model will help the expectant mother protect herself and her baby from the cold. Such a tunic can be presented in the form of a jumper or dress.

Sweaters for pregnant women autumn-winter 2019-2020 photo

With the onset of cold weather, warm clothes for expectant mothers who, with a double desire, want to warm up, are becoming increasingly popular, since the temperature of a pregnant woman is often higher than usual. It is this factor, as well as the psychological desire for comfort and coziness, that encourage the fair sex to diversify their wardrobe. Sweaters of various models cheer up and create a unique feeling of comfort.

Pants for pregnant women 2019-2020 new photos

Pants are very popular among women these days. Expectant mothers are no exception. And for many, pants are number one clothing. Having got used to trousers in ordinary life, it is difficult to immediately give up things that are convenient for you, being in an interesting position. There is absolutely no need for this. After all, now there is a huge variety of trousers, completely different cut and with incredible colors.

We must not forget that the trousers for pregnant women have a special cut. In such clothes, changes in the body of a woman are provided. Usually the waistband of maternity pants is wide and elastic. Its upper part is for easy support of the entire voluminous tummy and trousers on the body, and the lower part perfectly supports the tummy from below, i.e. plays the role of a bandage. Usually these trousers have an adjustable fastener.

Overalls for pregnant women autumn-winter 2019-2020 photo options

If the question arises of how to dress for pregnant women, then you can choose a cute and at the same time feminine option - jumpsuit. This is wonderful to see in the photo. It can be denim or other fabrics. Summer allows you to wear fashionable short options, at other times shorts are replaced by long legs. Delicate blouses will add romance to the image.

Overalls look good with a tight light sweater. The overalls for pregnant women will emphasize femininity and visually give harmony, and the free style will allow you to wear it after childbirth.

Shoes for pregnant women autumn-winter 2019-2020 photo

Forget high heels. If a warm shoes, as a rule, has a wide style, then the shoes usually sit tight on the leg. Given the possible problem of swelling, as well as a change in gait and center of gravity, the most suitable shoes for pregnant women in the fall will be comfortable ballet flats, low-heeled pumps or tractor-soled shoes. In such models of autumn shoes, the leg will not be pinched, and the style will not make the legs get tired quickly.

Boots for pregnant women autumn-winter 2019-2020 photo

For a woman in an interesting position, it is important to choose the right shoes. And it is important to do this not only in the last stages of pregnancy, when the tummy is already very well rounded and a pregnant woman simply needs comfortable shoes but also at the very beginning of pregnancy.

In autumn - winter time it is better to buy low-speed boots or a small wedge. This option will look great, as with knitted dresses, and with tunics under leggings. In winter, choose shoes without locks with a wide top. This will avoid unnecessary straining with locks and bending. In winter boots, pay attention to the sole. The sole must be tread and not slippery.

Fashionable boots 2019-2020 are a variety of colors, materials and styles, from which it is difficult to choose something like that. Each girl picking up boots for her wardrobe will stand out from the gray crowd with her bright personality.